
Standard Bus
This is your standard school bus. The Right Side Door buses are full-sized vehicles with high-backed, cushion seats to ensure a safe ride. These buses are compartmentalized and customizable to fit the needs of any community.
Standard Bus with Double Door
Left Side Door school buses are specially designed for accessibility so passengers never need to cross a busy street. New York City is the only district in the country that utilizes buses with doors on either side.

Wheel Chair Accessible Buses
Hydraulic Lift Buses are the original wheelchair and scooter-friendly school transportation vehicles. These buses offer a blend of both seated positions and wheelchair positions. Accessibility is important to us at Consolidated Bus Transit.
Commuter Buses
Commuter Buses allow us to provide services for those traveling a far distance. Commuters can be tailored to the needs of any organization. These vehicles provide reliable transportation opportunities for those near and far.